Xuemin Wang


Xuemin Wang, professor of Collaborative Innovation Center of Steel Technology, Beijing Science and Technology Star. In March 2000, he received his Ph.D. in Materials Physics and Chemistry from University of Science and Technology Beijing. He did post-doctoral research in metal materials research at Tohoku University, Japan, from October 2005 to June 2006. Now, he is engaged in the research and development of ultra-low carbon bainitic steel and studies the physical metallurgy. He is the deputy secretary-general of the Institute of Materials Science of China Metal Society. The relevant research won the first prize of the 7th Outstanding Youth Science and Technology Paper of the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, and won the second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award.

【Research Projects】

1.National 13th Five-Year Key R&D Plan, seismic and corrosion resistant, fire resistant steel for building structures (2017YFGX010046),2017-2021

2.National Natural Science Foundation of China, The study on the toughening mechanism for low density offshore structural steels with delta ferrite (No.51871013),2019-2022

3.Enterprise cooperation project, development of thin gauge 700-1100MPa high-strength engineering machinery steel, 2014-2017


1.X.M. Wang and X.L. He, S.W. Yang and C.J. Shang, Refining of intermediate transformation microstructure by relaxation processing[J]. ISIJ International, 2002,42(12): 1553-1559.

2.Xuemin Wang, Chengjia Shang, Shanwu Yang Xinlai He Xueyi Liu,The refinement technology for bainite and its application[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006, 438-440:162-165.

3.Wang, XM  Zhao, H  Shang, CJ  He, XL,The microstructure and properties of high performance steels with low yield-to-tensile ratio[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2013,577:S678-S683.

4.Bu FZ, Wang XM, Chen L, Yang SW, Shang CJ, Misra RDK. Influence of cooling rate on the precipitation behavior in Ti-Nb-Mo microalloyed steels during continuous cooling and relationship to strength[J]. Mater Chara, 2015, 102: 146-155,.

5.Xiong, ZH; Liu, SL;Wang, XM;Yang, SW; Shang, CJ; Li XC; Misra, RDK, The contribution of intragranular acicular ferrite microstructural constituent on impact toughness and impeding crack initiation and propagation in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of low-carbon steels[J]. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2015,636: 117-123.