Integrated Computational Platform for Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Martensitic Stainless Steel

Additive manufacturing offers advantages such as reduce manufacturing cycles, near-net shaping, and a high degree of freedom, but its process is quite complex and the microscopic mechanisms are not yet clear. Our team has developed an integrated computational platform for additive manufacturing of high-performance specialty steels. This platform facilitates simulation of molten pool evolution, solidification and cyclic solid-state phase transformation. It reveals the mechanisms of the additive manufacturing process and realizes the regulation of the structure and properties of martensitic stainless steel produced through additive manufacturing, reducing trial and error costs, and shortening development cycles.


Fig.1 Framework of the Integrated Computational Platform

Based on the integrated computational platform for additive manufacturing, the evolution of oxide nucleation, melt pool morphology, microscopic segregation, and cyclic solid-state phase transformation can be simulated online during the additive manufacturing printing process. Combined with database, a data mining model driven by mechanisms is constructed, providing theoretical and platform support for the control of microstructure and mechanical properties. Based on the additive manufacturing integrated computational platform, the composition of materials and printing processes can be optimized, significantly accelerating the efficiency of materials research and development.


Fig.2 Structure of the Integrated Computational Platform for Additive Manufacturing of High-Performance Steel


Fig.3 Simulation of Additive Manufacturing: (a) Temperature Field; (b), (c) Melt Pool Morphology; (d) Microstructure.